Sunday, June 10, 2007

GENESIS 8, or, "Land ho!"

Noah, his family, and the entire animal population of the world continue to float in the ark, God recedes the waters.

This is the chapter where we derive the olive branch as a symbol of peace. After floating on the ark for months, Noah sends out a dove to check for dry land and first it returns with nothing. The next time he sends it out, it returns with an olive branch. The next time the dove is released, it doesn't come back.

Once Noah and his family are on dry land, God thinks to himself that he'll never destroy living things on that scale again. The chapter closes with God thinking, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and sinter, day and night will never cease." Which to me is an odd statement. It'd be like me saying, "As long as I'm alive, I'll live."

High Culture References to Gen 8: Picasso's line drawing "Dove with Olive Branch"

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